This outdoor camping folding table with tote bag is different from other similar tables with elastic cord connection. This table has a unique hinge design connection and can be used for many years.
The outdoor camping folding table with carrying bag is ultra-light, made of aviation-grade aluminum alloy and weighs only 2.2 pounds; unlike wooden or nylon tabletops, this table is durable, waterproof, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean; strong joints and connections The device, plus the non-slip rubber feet, make this table more stable. On different terrains, the legs will not fold, bend or detach; it is very easy to set up, just open the base and install the tabletop, you can enjoy you in a few seconds Leisure time
The outdoor camping folding table with tote bag has a compact packaging and an accompanying bag for easy carrying; different from ordinary cloth tables, the surface of this outdoor camping folding table with tote bag is flat; the surface area is 16.14 × 13.78 inches; Height 11.42 inches; heat-resistant, you can put your stove on it; very easy to set up, just open the base and install the table top, you can enjoy your leisure time in a few seconds.
Whether you are relaxing on a camping chair, having a picnic in the garden, serving as a beach table, going fishing, or having a cup of coffee at home or traveling by car, this outdoor camping folding table with tote bag is the perfect height and size to hold drinks and Various snacks.