Outdoor camping tips

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Outdoor camping tips

The selection and construction of camping sites is a big issue related to the rest of all personnel. When choosing an address to build an outdoor tent, you must pay attention to the following matters:

Near water: To set up tents, you must choose to be close to the water source, such as close to streams, lakes, and rivers. However, tents should not be pitched on river beaches or beside streams. Once there is a torrential rain, water from upstream reservoirs, flash floods, etc., life will be in danger. Especially in the rainy season and flash flood-prone areas.

Leeward: Leeward should be considered when setting up tents in the wild, especially in some valleys and river beaches. You should choose a place leeward to camp. Also pay attention to the direction of the tent door not to face the wind. Leeward not only considers camping, but also applies to fire.

Far cliffs: When setting up an outdoor tent, you should not be under the cliff. Once a strong wind blows on the mountain, stones and other objects may be blown off, causing danger.

Near the village: If the tent is close to the village, you can ask the villagers for help if there is any emergency. This is even more important when there is no firewood, vegetables, food, etc. Near the village is also a shortcut, which is convenient for the movement and transfer of the team.

Shady: If it is a tent that needs to live for more than two days, in good weather, you should choose a shady place, such as under the big trees and the north of the mountain. It is best to shine towards the sun instead of the sunset. In this way, if you rest during the day, the tent will not be too hot and stuffy.

Animal protection: When setting up an outdoor tent, carefully observe whether there are beasts' footprints, dung, and nests around. Do not build in areas with many snakes and rats to prevent injury to people or damage to equipment and facilities. There must be anti-mosquito, insect, and scorpion drugs and protective measures. Sprinkling some plant ash around the tent will be very effective in preventing the infestation of snakes, scorpions, and poisonous insects.

Lightning protection: In rainy seasons or areas with heavy thunderstorms, tents must not be pitched on high ground, under high trees or relatively isolated

On the flat ground. That way it is easy to attract lightning strikes.