Outdoor camping is a popular item, especially in summer, it’s so cool to hide in the mountains and enjoy the coolness. Camping requires a lot of equipment, but one thing is definitely a must-have for the family, that is, a hammock.
Hammocks are generally divided into single hammocks and double hammocks. Double hammocks are more spacious, more comfortable, and have more space to use.
Regarding the length of the hammock, the length of the hammock is basically fixed, basically around 2 meters, not too long or too short, basically it can meet the needs of most people, if you are taller , Then when choosing a hammock, be sure to choose a hammock that is at least 6cm longer than your height.
Let's talk about the purpose. If it is mainly for outing or hiking, then weight is a more important factor, so it is recommended that you choose a lighter hammock. If you are a self-driving car, the first consideration is comfort. You can ignore the weight. In addition to carrying a larger hammock, you can also choose a hammock with a stand. If you bring your own stand, you don’t have to look for it. There are two big trees. You can build a hammock wherever you want.