Backpack refers to the backpack of climbers, as the name suggests is a backpack used by climbers to load materials and equipment.
Mountaineering backpacks are important equipment for carrying all kinds of travel items, and they are indispensable for travel. We can list hiking backpacks, clothing, food, shoes and sleeping bags as the five major elements of field travel. A good backpack is a good partner. Travelers value and cherish their hiking backpacks very much. In addition to mountain climbing, mountaineering backpacks are also widely used in other adventure sports (such as rafting, crossing the desert, etc.) and long-distance travel.
Nowadays, the significance of mountaineering bags is far from limited to mountaineering. Some people also like to use this type of backpack when traveling, hiking or fieldwork. A high-quality mountaineering bag is by no means a burden, it can give you value-for-money enjoyment, allowing you to complete travel and sports in a relaxed manner.